Imparting life to the nations, one person at a time

Day 31: We are More than Conquerors

Romans 8:28-39; Ephesians 6:10-16

‘….and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith’I Jn 5:4

Let me ask you a question today: What are you up against in your life right now? What are the things that seem to be confronting you on your journey of destiny? I’ve got good news for you: there is ‘no-thing’ that is of this world order that can overcome you if you are a man or woman of faith. Apostle Paul, writing under a great anointing said (Amplified version), ‘Yet amid all these things, we are more than conquerors and gain a surpassing victory through Him who loved us’ You may be up against giants in some pursuit or the other.  Perhaps in your health, or maybe in your finances or on the job. Regardless of where your challenges are today, God says you have overcome already. Do you believe that? If you do, then receive it right now, and you will see all those giants crumble before you one after the other. But you must use your faith by putting God’s Words in your heart and in your mouth, and then acting on it. That means you won’t be lazy with the Word, depending on the few crumbs you get from church or from other believers. You must dig in yourself and find appropriate words in Scripture for the situation you are facing. Then believe that Word, speak it daily, and act like it is so. There is a change in your story beginning today!

Prayer and Confession:

Father, I declare according to your Word that I am more than a conqueror today. I believe your Word and I receive every promise you’ve made to me. That Word is making a difference in my life today. In Jesus’ mighty name. Amen!


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