Imparting life to the nations, one person at a time

September 6: A Four-Step Plan to Victory

“For she kept saying to herself, If I only touch His garment, I shall be restored to health” Matthew 9:21


Read: Matthew 9:18-26; Joshua 1:8

There are many things God seeks to restore in your life. As a matter of fact, Jesus said He came to give us back everything that Adam lost in the garden. God can restore lost time and years; lost valuable relationships; lost property; lost opportunities and so much more. In our text today, God restored this woman’s lost health. She had been sick with a blood condition for twelve years. But all that changed when she reached out and touched Jesus’ healing garment. If you are sick in your body today, God can restore your health. In fact, He promised through Jeremiah (30:17) that He will restore health to you and heal you of every wound. So do what that woman with the issue of blood did. First, she imagined herself well; second, she kept speaking words in line with her desire; third, she devised a godly plan; and finally, she took action. I see you with your victory today in Jesus’ Name. Amen