Imparting life to the nations, one person at a time

Steps to Re-opening Our Local Churches

With a view to a gradual re-opening of  our local churches, Abundant Life International Church Commission has  put together the following  guidelines:

Although we miss having our worshippers/members in our in-person services at  our local church locations, our preference still is that most people continue to worship online on both Sundays and Wednesdays for now. 

However, for the benefit of regular Cleveland and Akron members/worshipers who would really desire to have in-person fellowship once in a while, here are thoughts  for your consideration and guidelines to follow:

1. Only the Cleveland church location will be open for now.

2. Services will NOT be open to the general public until later in the year.

3. Regular members/worshipers who plan to attend the Sunday service should let us know at the latest by the Wednesday of that week (Call 440-605-9552 or text 330-622-0700). This is a time-sensitive request. If we reach the maximum number of people allowed, we will schedule all the additional members to attend the following Sunday service.

4. There will be NO in-person services offered for children until later in the year. Children, therefore, cannot attend in-person church services before September (pending National guidelines).

5.  Masks will be mandated during services. We will make masks & hand sanitizers available to all worshipers coming in.

6. For now, the plan is to open up the Akron church location for in-person services by the first Sunday of September if progress is made nationally with the pandemic situation

Questions or concerns? Please call 440-605-9552 or text 330-622-0700. Or Email