Imparting life to the nations, one person at a time

Share a Testimony

If the Lord has been good to you, give your testimony and give God praise and you know what? It just might encourage someone else…


  1. Anastasiia Volovodyk

    Testimony of how God brought me back to life.

    Hi my name is Anastasiia Volovodyk, I was born in Ukraine, me and my family moved to the USA when I was 13 years old, now I am 19 years old, and by the grace of God I am still living and breathing today’s day. I would like to share my testimony with you all how I have had an out of body experience in my life and I will also tell you about how I was dead and how Jesus brought me back to life.

    This happened in May 2007, 17 years ago, when I was only two years old. One day I entered the kitchen, where we had a gas stove, and an electronic lighter was attached to it, which had 260 volts of current, usually used to light the stove.

    And as a child, I was curious to know what it was, and when there was no one around I took that lighter with my left hand and automatically the button was pressed, and at the same moment 260 volts of current hit into my left hand, then the current passed through my heart and came out through my left leg, thereby 260 volts of current burned the veins and after what my heart stopped. After which I fell to the floor dead, by leaning my head against the iron pipe that heated the house, with the help of which a circular current circuit occurred in my body. And then my body turned gray, and the tips of the fingers on my left hand were burned to the bone. At that moment, my Mom was in the bathroom, which was next to the kitchen. As a child, I was a noisy child, and my mother, hearing that the house had become quiet, went into the kitchen to see where I was. And going out into the kitchen, she saw my motionless body on the floor, and a lighter in my hand, after which she realized what had happened. Father immediately came running to Mom’s screams, he took the lighter from my hand, and when he took the lighter he was also electrocuted. And then he checked my pulse, but there was no pulse anymore, and my body began to cool down. Dad lifted my motionless body from the floor and gave it to Mom in her arms, after which he ran to his sister whom lived next door and called her, then they all began to pray together so that God would bring me back to life. They prayed for about two hours, so hard that it seemed like there was no roof over their heads. And at that time when they prayed, my soul was out of my body, and I watched everything that was happening from above, as if there was no ceiling, and I could see through the ceiling. And at that moment I was in Jesus’ arms, he had very light/white hair shoulder-length, his clothes were so white/that there is no such white color on earth, and the clothes on him shimmered like fire and lightnings, his face shone, and he was very handsome, Jesus had kind smile on his face, he had the most beautiful eyes full of unconditional love and understanding, he had a strong energy around him and it felt so amazing to be next to him. And as a Soul of child I understood who he was cuz the soul knows its creator, and then I called him by his name “Jesus”, so I turned to Jesus and asked him to let me go to my Mom, and he answered: Go. During prayer, I began to make sounds, and when I fully came to my senses, my parents took me to the hospital. When they arrived at the hospital, they met a cleaning lady who had the gift of prophecy. My parents told her what had happened to me and asked her for advice. To which she replied: Don’t tell the doctors that she was dead, cuz in such a situation they usually give an injection to normalize the beating of the heart, but in this case, it is unknown, in which condition the heart is right now, so instead tell doctors that she was unconscious. Having entered the hospital department, I was taken for a cardiogram. They did a cardiogram twice but could not understand anything. After that, they sent me to the ward and said that tomorrow they would call the Honored Professor of the USSR a woman, who for a long time had been retired.

    The next day when she came, she looked at the cardiogram and listened to the beating of the heart, and said that this type of situation was for the first time in her life, and “That what you were saying that she was unconscious it’s not possible, the cardiogram shows that the heart stopped, and I amazed how is it beating right now, I don’t understand. I listened to heart beat and the beating is well and the pulse is normal.” after what she prescribed me some pills.

    Then began the treatment of my hand. The doctors categorically insisted on cutting off three fingers on my left hand, since the two phalanges on the fingers were only bones protruding from the third phalanx, and there was no flesh on them, since it was burned. But my parents did not agreed to this, after which my Father went to the prophet, and when he arrived, my father did not have time to cross the threshold of the house when the prophet opened the door and said ” Don’t tell me your need, cuz God has already revealed to me that you will come and told me about your worry and God said this word’s to you: They offer to cut off your child’s fingers, but don’t let them cut off those fingers, I will give the fingers to her.”

    On this basis, the parents told the doctors: do whatever you want, but we won’t let you cut off her fingers, God said that he will give the fingers to her. The doctors said: how can your God give her the fingers when there are no veins, no meat, no skin there. But the parents stood their ground, saying that if God raised Lazarus from dead, then he also can give her the fingers.

    Then the doctors, after all convincing, asked my parents to sign the paper that says that doctors would not be responsible for anything if something happened to me. After what all the doctors of the Hospital convened a consultation and decided to sew in the damaged fingers into part of my back, and my fingers were supposed to be sewn into my back throughout the month. The next day when they sewed my fingers into my back they were supposed to rewash my fingers so the infection will not be able to get into my wounds, and they were supposed to do this every day for about a month, but all the Chief Doctors right on the second day after they sewed my fingers, they went on the vacation just on, only the head nurse remained, which one for some reasons did not have washed my fingers. A week later, when the doctors returned from vacation, by that time my hand was covered with pus, due to the head nurse’s mistake. After washing the wounds, doctors took a test and discovered blood poisoning, and without telling my parents about it, they did tests for about a month and a half throughout every day, using different treatments, because of which my skin color turned light green because nothing worked in my good. My Mom began to suspect that something was wrong. And turning to the doctors, she says: You said that in a month you would unsew her hand, but it has already passed a month and a half. Then they confessed and said that: the conversation is no longer about the fingers, we are fighting for her life right now, because there is very high septicis in her blood, and we have already tried all the treatments we could, but nothing helps, and the condition is getting worse, we have one more treatment for adults left which may help, but if we will give it to her, then she will be an abnormal child since this type of treatment is only for adults and she is only two years old. Then my parents said to doctors: Why didn’t you tell us anything about it?! for it is written in the Bible: whoever is sick, call the presbyters and let the sick confess his sins, they will pray over him and he will be healed. Allow us, we will call the presbyters to the hospital and let them pray for her. But the Head of the Hospital Department said: No, sign a paper that says if anything happens to me the hospital does not bear any responsibility for that, and then said take your child, and then go wherever you want. My parents signed the paper and took me home, having previously told the presbyters that they would bring me for a prayer. When my parents brought me to a prayer, the presbyters anointed me with oil, and prayed over me, as it said in the Bible, and after prayer they saw a change in me – my skin color became normal and I also got rosy cheeks like a healthy child.

    After that, I was taken to the hospital again, all this time my arm was sewn to my back. When I was taken to the hospital, nurses came to take a blood test from me to make sure I had healed. Couple minutes later they came up to me again to take blood for the 2nd time. And my Mom asked them: why do you need her to take the blood test again, don’t you see that God healed her?! To which they replied: but we want to check what kind of sepsis she has in her blood. Then the parents told them: We don’t need the result of the analysis, we know that God healed her, but as a testimony to you that God has healed her we allow you to take an analysis for a 2nd time. Then the nurses said: Yes, we will quickly do this blood test. Within half an hour later the laboratory that checked my blood results called and said that the blood test shows that the blood was sterile and there was no sepsis anymore. To which the Head of the Hospital Department lady said: This cannot be true, because yesterday the sepsis was so high, but now how is it not there?!, she told them to check it again for the 2nd and 3rd time cuz the Head Lady of the Hospital Department couldn’t believe the results laboratory told her was true, because she thought that it’s impossible that I healed the next day, cuz yesterday I was dying and now I’m perfectly fine.. After some time, the laboratory called again and said: The blood is really sterile, but just in case, we sowed it on mushrooms, let’s see what the result will be there. In the end the result was good. During this sepsis they gave me a lot of blood transfusions, so they even took a DNA test to check if my DNA hasn’t changed.

    Time passed and doctors began preparing me for surgery to unsew my hand from my back. Due to the fact that they took a lot of tests from me very often and gave me injections, so because of this my veins were all punctured, and there was no way to find them. But they could only find one vein, which was on the leg near the ankle, and it was the only vein they could find to do injection for anesthesia. The intern nurse came up to me to give me an injection for anesthesia and because she was an intern nurse she hadn’t enough experience so this is what caused her to pierce the vein incorrectly. And since they had no veins left, so in this case there was only one last chance and it was one artery left which was in the part of the neck. That artery led straight directly to the heart, and was very dangerous, because if the child moved, it could die. There was an anesthesiologist who had done the anesthesia injection for me through that dangerous artery and he did it correctly. And later my parents found out that he was a drug addict, and his hands were shaking really bad, but he got it right because everything was under God’s control. After all they took me for a surgery. When they took me for surgery, my Mom was praying in the hospital near the window, and she saw a vision: as if I was 15-16 years old, and I was sitting in the park on a bench, and my left hand was hanging from the bench and there were all the fingers on it.

    After the operation, they brought me to the ward, and the Lady who was the Head of the Hospital Department came up to my Mom and said to her: You know what, we unsew her hand from her back and there were fingers on that hand. How could it be possible?!.. My Mom turned to her and said: I was telling you earlier that my only God will give her fingers! And the Lady said: How can this be?! We are also believers, but Orthodox. To which my Mom replied: If you are believers, why don’t you believe in the Living God, he is omnipotent.

    While I was in the ward room after the operation, Jesus appeared to me again, he sat down by my side and he held my hand, and he looked me into my eyes with unconditional love and smiled tenderly.

    When three months had passed, I was discharged from the hospital. And one Sunday we were in our church, and our family was sitting on the 2nd floor balcony. And in front where was choir sitting and the presbyters and preachers also were sitting above them I saw Jesus again, he was sitting as on a throne and floating in the air, at that moment I screamed out and began to point my finger to that place where Jesus was, saying: Mom Mom there is that white kind Man who was with me all the time in the hospital. And everyone sitting nearby paid attention to me, cuz they were curious who I had seen there. That was the last time I saw Jesus.

    I want to say that Nothing is impossible for our true God. He is living God and he is always here on Earth with us even if we can’t see him with our flesh eyes. And the moment will come when Jesus will meet each of us in our days. Our God Jesus Lord he is Yesterday, today and tomorrow He is always the same. May God bless all of you and your families.


  2. Justine Jose Marie R. Dahino

    Hello, everyone, my name is Justine Jose Marie R. Dahino, 34, I wanted to share my testimony of how our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ saved my life. My testimony will be short.

    Lord Jesus has risen. He has risen from the dead on the 3rd day again. I was supposed to die on december 27, 2023 because I didn’t finish the initiation process online. I was trying to join the illuminati for money if you are willing to sell your soul to the devil. The membership is free but the freemasonry garment is not free. You should buy the freemasonry garment to become an official member of the illuminati. I knew celebrities dark secrets and I know how they were initiated. I don’t have a job and I don’t have money. But I have money from the election day. That was around election day and we’ve just voted out of town. My money is only over 4,000 pesos. I tried to send my money to a western union branch but my ids and my passport were expired and I couldn’t send my money to them. The black american illuminati member didn’t even give me a chance to renew my id and my passport. He told me to buy the freemasonry garment or I will die. I repented my sins to God. They did some rituals on me and I was spiritually dead because a youtube video pops up on my screen. I don’t know why but I feel like God is trying to help me on what to do. Maybe God knew I’m smart. There is this man, a member of the illuminati trying to seek God. The man of God, Harry did some deliverance to the man. The demon inside the man was Satan himself, Lucifer, the fallen angel. The devil spilled out the secret about how the man joined the illuminati. The devil revealed that they did some rituals on the man, taking out his soul and the holy spirit to the grave. The devil mentioned that the man is spiritually dead. I searched about how to defeat being spiritually dead by reading the bible, pray and worship God and Lord Jesus Christ with christian music. But there is still other way to defeat being spiritually dead, the salvation prayer. I said the sinner’s prayer, the salvation prayer and accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior with my own mouth again. I did some self deliverance videos on youtube too. I even prayed about prayer against premature death with my own mouth. So when that day came, december 27, 2023, nothing happened. I was still alive. We were in the boat during that day because we are having our vacation to dumaguete, cebu and bohol. Because we are going to attend a wedding on december 28, 2023. So that’s what happened. O death, where is your sting? O grave, where is your victory? If I didn’t repent and accepted Lord Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior again, I am probably dead now. Then I started memorizing bible verses that relates to what happened to me. I continued reading the bible daily, pray daily, worship God and lord Jesus Christ and obeying God’s commandments. I’m not actually a prayerful person but because of what happened to me, I started praying. I gave up everything especially idolatry/celebrities just to follow Lord Jesus Christ faithfully. I became resilient because of Lord Jesus Christ. Lord Jesus Christ defeated death again.

    John 3:16 says, for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, whosesoever believeth in him, should not perish but have everlasting life.

    Acts 16:31 says, believe in the Lord Jesus and you will be saved.

    Corrintheans 15:57 says, he gives us victory over sin and death through our lord Jesus Christ.

    Matthew 16:26 says, for what profit is it to a man if he gains the whole world and loses his own soul? Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul?

    John 14:6 says, Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the father except through me.”

  3. Healing
    It’s with great delight I share this testimony.
    I battled with acne for 8 years of my life. To the world, it could it is a normal condition every adolescent, teenager, face during maturity but between me and God, I knew it was more than that.

    It never did bother me so much until 2023. I was extremely concerned. Every night I cried and begged God to take it away, I slept in hopes that when I wake up, my acne will be gone but I was left disappointed every morning.

    My mates in high school who had similar conditions, theirs cleared, but I was literally the only one, so it bothered me deeply. It’s not like I didn’t put humanly efforts to get rid of my acne’s, I did all I could to get rid of them but nothing worked.

    Towards the end of 2023, I embarked on a fasting, and one of my prayers and aim of it was to ask God to get rid of my acne.

    It made me lose confidence, it made me believe everyone who ever complimented my beauty were liars especially men, I always thought they complimented me because they wanted something from me, and whenever I get complimented I always feel the urge to yell at whoever to keep their lies to themselves. I hated looking in the mirror and seeing the big bumps, and black spots.

    Slowly, I started building my faith, and I decided to leave everything in God’s hands.

    My acne is not fully healed but the progress is worth giving thanks to the almighty. Indeed he always comes through for us

    I love God so much and I’m so happy for all he’s doing for me, I’m happy for the changes in 2024z

    He’s a great God.

      Hey My Name Is Demetrius Smith.
      And I Would Like To Testify!
      When I Was 19 Teen Years Of Age
      I Was Jumped By 16 Teen Gang Members,
      They Were Mostly Teenagers
      One Of The Gang Members Was A Grown Man
      Here Is A Little Backstory:
      My Mom At The Time Did not Want Me!
      And At The Time My Dad Did not Want Me!
      So My Mom Dropped Me Off On The West Side Of Chicago
      At My Grandmothers.Now My Grandmother
      Lived In A Place Called
      The Henry Hornets Projects.
      At This Time The Teenagers In The Henry Hornets Projects Were At War With The Teenagers
      In The Rockwell Projects.
      Both Projects Buildings Residing On The Westside Of Chicago.
      Each Project Had Over 20 Projects Building A Peace.
      I Remember It Like It Was Yesterday I Was Walking Down The Street On The West Side Of Chicago
      On A Hot Summer Day
      Drunk Of Beer Hating My Life,
      And On The Left Side Of The Street
      I Noticed A Group Of Teens Boys,
      Whom I Had Never Seen Before?
      Now I Had Just Made It
      To My Friends Steps
      As I Was Standing In Front Of His House
      I Asked My Friend About Them?
      I Asked My Friend Who They Were Now
      As They Past Us,
      And Made It To The End Of The Block
      I Was Still Speaking To My Friend And
      Out Of Nowhere
      One Of The 16 Gang Members
      Was Standing Right In Front Of Us.
      (And He Asked Me One Question)
      He Said To Me What Did You Say About My friends?
      Now At That Moment I Had Never Felt Fear
      Hit Me So Fast In All The 19 Years I Had Been Alive!
      So As The Gang Member Closed In On Me,
      I Just Closed My Eyes!
      And With A Broken Heart full Of Fear!
      I Began To Swing,
      And Try To Fight My Way Out Of The Horrific Attack
      That Was About To Be Placed On My Body.
      Now After I Threw Two Punches
      I Was Placed In A Full Nailson
      I Was Dragged Down The Steps.
      And Began To Be Beaten To Death.
      I Was Beaten From My Stomach
      To My Face Repeatedly
      Without Exception Of Relief.
      (Now Child Of The Most High God)
      Who Are Saviour King Yeshua Died For,
      Let Me Tell You,
      When Someone Is Being Beaten To Death
      There’s Not Much Pain Available
      There Just Vibration,
      Well At Least That What I Felt
      I Felt Vibration
      I Could Literally Feel My Spirit Leaving My Body.
      My Friend Who WasThere Did Not Help Me,
      The People That Was Near Did Not Help Me
      The People In There Cars
      Driving By Did Not Stop To Help
      Instead They Stopped To Watch
      No Police Was Called To Help
      None Of My Family Was Their To Help Me
      I Was All Alone
      Well At Least That’s What I Thought.
      Now As My Face Began To Be Disfigured
      And Swollen From The AstronomicalNumber
      of Brutal Punches
      I Was Receiving,
      Something Happened To Me.
      There Was A Name That Was Locked Away In My Spirit
      (Oh Child Of The Most High God)
      Let Me Say To You!
      There Was A Name Buried
      Way, Way, Way ,Way
      Deep! Deep Down In The Ocean Of my soul!)
      HID This One Particular Name
      In The Broken Heart Of A 19 Teen Year Old Kid,
      Who Was Lost And Who Knew No Love.
      And This One Name!
      It Was,
      And Is
      He Is Also Known As
      King Of Kings
      And Lord Of Lords.
      THE CHRIST!…
      The Devil
      Himself Had Scheduled
      An Appointment For My Death!
      Turned This
      Into A Heavenly Demonstration,
      In The Mist Of Being Beaten To Death
      I Broke Out The Full Nailson
      Leaped In The Sky
      And I Screamed Seven Words.
      And These Seven Words Were,
      After I Screamed These 7 Words
      Not Another Punch Was Thrown At My Body,
      In Fact
      The One Guy
      Who Had Me Locked
      In The Full Nailson.
      Pushed Me Into A Field Of Grass.
      Then Something Else Happened!
      Something I’ve Never Seen Before In My Life!
      The Guy
      Who Had Me Locked
      In The Full Nailson
      And All The Other Gang Members,
      They Turned Around
      And Walked The Other Way!..
      It Was As If
      Paralyzed Their Power.
      Now At 19 Teen Years Of Age!
      (Child Of The Most High God)
      In My Young Life
      I Did Not Know Scriptures Were Real!
      I Did Not Know Scripture Was Actually True!
      DO U HEAR ME
      (HEY HE SAVED ME!)
      The Devil Had Scheduled An Appointment For My Death!
      But My GOD Who I Now Serve With All My Heart!
      HE TURNED THIS demonic
      Hey My name is Demetrius Devon Smith
      Would Like To Testify!

      Romans chapter 10 verse 13,
      For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.

  4. After moving back to the US after living abroad for 16 years, and initially living comfortably. About a year or so ago unbeknownst to me God began to show me how I was living much like the rich fool in Luke 12. Not being a good steward and trusting God. Over the past few years I’d been more focused on business and how I could get ahead and store up wealth for me and my family…

    Long story short, God allowed me to go through several unforeseen financial challenges. I was caught off guard and couldn’t plan or strategize my way out of the hole I found myself in..

    I reached out to several men in my life for prayer and guidance, and one simply asked me “Man.. Are you tithing?” A simple yet powerful question that shook me to my core.. I hadn’t been concerned about what God wanted to build, and had selfishly not been giving…

    From there the journey began, and I’ve been trying to press in to God, understanding that I have nothing. It is all His, and I’m simply called to be a steward. This month marks a year since I’ve gone to God with the whole tithe, and have listened to Him and have tried to be a blessing to people whenever I can..

    It has been a huge test of faith and we we have been put in several rough situations, but I am learning to look at tests with Joy as James writes, and be content in all situations as Paul instructs..

    Please pray that my faith continues to grow and that I continue to look to Jesus Christ. It is He and only He who sustains me, gives me life, and life more abundantly.

    God bless you!

  5. Praise The LORD!!!! Thank you powerful prayer warriors and thank you for your prayers and for your intercession and faith and thank you for being a praying church! We give God ALL the glory and ALL the praise! In Jesus mighty name AMEN AMEN AMEN! GLORY BE TO GOD!!!!! I wish to give a praise report for myself as I asked for prayer for healing and for standing in agreement with me for total restoration of my health, it is so! I am the HEALED OF THE LORD!!!! There was never a doubt and I thank you for agreeing with me and I stand totally healed before you today and thanking you for your prayers in Jesus mighty name ! There is NOTHING too hard for our GOD and with HIM ALL things are possible in Jesus mighty name amen! I thank you all for your powerful prayers and I wish to testify to the goodness of our God amen amen amen! I also wish to give testimony on behalf of Barb, I requested prayer for her, for healing and recovery from her surgery. Thank you all again, we bless you LORD and thank YOU GOD thank you prayer warriors,!!! She is the healed of the LORD in Christ Jesus amen amen amen!!! Her surgery went wonderfully, then they fixed more than expected, and she was walking the next day better than she had in more than a year and she is doing better daily and walking and talking and sharing GODS goodness with those who are coming over to drop off food and help out as they are amazed at how well she is doing after such an extensive surgery! ONLY OUR GREAT GOD!!!!! Glory be to God!!! Praise the Lord!!! Thank you all ever so much for your intercession, your faith, your prayers, we are so blessed to have you in our lives and have you as church family! We pray and ask the Lord to bless you all back twenty fold, thirty fold, a hundred fold in all areas of your life for what and how you feed into the lives of others in Jesus mighty name amen! May the Lord cause you to prosper in all areas of your life and we call you the blessed of the Lord in Chris Jesus mighty name amen ! thank you all and God bless! So grateful for all of You and Our Lord who loves us! God bless, so grateful, Charlene

  6. I want to say thank you all for your powerful prayers. Thank you Prayer warriors! Prayers move mountains! God is faithful! I put Aaron on the prayer list for healing from Covid, as he was in the hospital and on oxygen. He is home now, with his wife, and walking in God’s healing. Thank you Lord for hearing our prayers, for desiring to be good to us, for your healing upon Aaron, for preserving his life, for your protection, thank you Abba Father for there is none like you! You alone are worthy of all the praise, all the glory is yours in Jesus mighty name amen amen amen! Thank you Father God for desiring to be good to your children, for your hedge of protection that surrounds all of us, your children, that we are alive, you woke us up today, we are in are right minds, we have come through 2021 and we will flourish in 2021 like never before that we will live and not die, that we will win the victors crown of overcoming and that the best is yet to come in Jesus mighty name amen amen amen!!!! Oh God we bless you, our trust is in you alone, and we thank you that we are under the covenant protection-yes Lord we bless you!!! Thank you Lord thank you, thank you Lord, thank you. Thank you for this church family, thank you for prayer warriors, thank you for ministering angels, thank you for the protection of the bloodline of Jesus, thank you for healing, thank you for salvation, thank you for Jesus, thank you for Love, thank you for being the Lord of Lords and Kings of Kings..oh Lord you and you alone are worthy , worthy worthy of ALL praise! We bless you, we magnify you and we say thank you thank you thank you , we love you! Thank you prayer warriors we love you and are honored to be a part of this family-God bless

  7. I am giving God all the praise. 2014 was not good to me i was layoff from me job and two weeks later me car died on me not wanting or needing to spend money i had put to the side i did for anther car $2900 seven day later i was hit total less (hit and run) car was covered insurance sent me a check for $7650 i had no idea the car was worth that ( just blessed ) brought used car 4000 car lasted for 2 years and died a friend of mine was about to donate car for tax rite off but notice i was in need gave me the car it was ruff for a year and two months it didn’t die but very close … 2018 i was able to purchase a 2014 . i just feel blessed to be able to get back to my feet . Thanking God every step of the way . Praise God

  8. I have had so many prayers answered recently and searched for a place to share. I really want to help non-Christians turn to God. It would probably take too much space to tell you the whole story, but I can summarize for now. I haven’t been to church in years and it seems I pray usually only when I need help. I try to give thanks and I pray for others, but I haven’t really been living the active Christian life. Recently I was returning to PA from visiting home in SC for the holidays. I was scared and driving alone. I had really bad gut feeling. I prayed God would help me return without incident. Please keep in mind usually on this 8 hour drive I stop for nothing. Somewhere between NC and Virginia…something told me to stop… I literally pulled over…prayed again and resumed driving. Again..something told me to stop. I listened this time and went to nearest AutoZone. The car had NO OIL and the mechanic told me if I hadn’t stopped…I would not have made it back to PA. It was caught in time and I made it safely! I cried so hard and prayed to God praising him for my miracle. Again today I have been facing legal trouble. I’m poor and had an unpaid ticket and my license was suspended. I got a ticket for it. The charge says it carries mandatory jail time. I cannot afford to go to jail as I will lose my job and I am trying to take care of my boyfriend’s Mom and he is currently incarcerated. I got down on my knees and prayed and then something told me to talk to an attorney. I found out that I can plead not guilty and hopefully not have jail time anyway. If I eventually get it I can ask for weekend time so I can keep my job. This may seem small to some ppl….but it has meant a LOT to me. I am a regular person and not always lived good as I should. I’ve broken promises to God and I have sinned. God REALLY DOES ANSWER PRAYERS. IF YOU SINCERELY PRAY GOD WILL COME THROUGH!! By Sincerily I mean put your heart into it… So very GRATEFUL!!!

  9. I asked for prayer for a little girl who had recently been diagnosed with leukemia, Adrianna G., I want to share some joyous news…. as of today she is in full remission….well that’s what the doctors call it, but we Christ believers also know that as being called HEALED! AMEN AMEN AMEN no sign of any cancer anywhere and there never will be in Jesus mighty name AMEN…thank you all for your prayer! May God bless you all in return. AMEN !

  10. I want to thank God for getting me into a very competitive Leadership Development Program last year, at work. Out of 1,000 employees I was one of 15 people selected into the pilot program, after being with my company less than a year. I was one of two non-managers selected and you just knew the other participants were wondering “How did he get into this program?” I was even told that one of the officers had mentioned that I was not meant to be in the program but my SVP went to bat for me to get into the program and God won as always. Things like that always make me laugh because God is always on the throne; He says it and that settles it. Praise God!! Oghene Me (MY GOD)

  11. Mylonne (mah-lon) Sullivan

    2015 is my year of heaven on earth. The first time i said this here at ALIC, i HOPED it was true. The more and more i confessed it a loud i truly began to believe it. God has truly showed out this year for me. In february we went over goals in this chuch and i must say, God has blessed all of them and I know He is still working! After almost a year of job searching i was finally offered a position in my field as a case manager and was able to begin working 3 weeks after graduating college this july. Not only has God enabled me to obtain a degree this year, He has increased my finances, given me an amazing job working with beautiful people and surrounded me with the most caring, supportive and spirit filled friends (they are my family!!) that anyone could ask for. He has removed hatred from heart and stretched me and my faith in Him- in so many areas! He has filled relationships with His love! 2015 has really been my year of Heaven on earth. He has restored my peace! And taken a hold of my mind!! My God is teaching me so much about my purpose and who i am in Him. He is truly amazing. This year He has allowed me to join an awesome chuch with people who truly thirst for Him. He has surrounded me with Godly examples in every area of my life! I can’t even begin to fathom why He is so good!

  12. Praise God!!! My God has been unconditionally good and merciful to me in every area of my life.I mean EVERY AREA and the blessings keep coming. He has kept my entire family free from premature death, diseases and has richly blessed me with divine illumination which has eliminated every aspect of fear in me.I praise God for the freedom he has given me to go where I want to and has always seen to it that whatever I start working on, His grace is made available to lead me to the end SUCCESSFULLY. What a Great God we serve.I had a major transportation need in my life so much that i will walk on foot to work, in the snow. It would always think of quitting my job but I kept believing. Finally raised $2,700.00 which I used to buy a second handed car.I was very happy with my new ride but two days after i bought that car, I was very unfortunate to be involved in an accident in the snow,while driving to work. After leaving the emergency room for checkup, i went home. Lucky enough, I insured this new car on the spot of purchase.The devil tried to steal my happiness with very disturbing thoughts about the accident and the internal chest bruises i had.i wept that night,encouraged myself with a few songs and went to sleep.Two days later, my insurance called and said the car was badly damaged so i will be reimbursed for the car. I said no problem.To God be the glory when this lady called me a second time, she told me I will be compensated with $4,800.Praise God!!!! that was way over the cost price of my car.This was a major financial break through because i was able to get another ride, pay my bills and still had some change on me.May God get all the glory for all he is doing in my life.Lord i bless you with my heart because my words can never be enough to express my gratitude. Hallelujahh!!!

  13. Praise the Lord!!!! God is a GOOD GOD and His goodness has been working great uncountable miracles in my life.My testimony is about HOW GOD REVEALED A SECRET TO ME JUST BY ME LISTENING TO A GODPEL MUSIC.In the month of June,2015 my friend opted to bu a present for me online,on my academic achievement.I went onlin

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