Imparting life to the nations, one person at a time

January 14: Come Unto Me

For thus said the Lord God, the Holy One of Israel: In returning [to Me] and resting [in Me] you shall be saved; in quietness and in [trusting] confidence shall be your strength. But you would not. – Isaiah 30:15

Read:  Matthew 11:25-30

The world is full of restless and stressed out people. In the more economically developed countries, millions of dollars are committed every year to the study of stress. Unfortunately, many believers are falling prey to this evil trap of the enemy as well. But God gives us the formula for rest in His Word. He said our rest and fulfillment is strongly dependent on the value we place on returning to Him and spending time in His presence. Our strength and victory in life come from the quiet confidence derived from trusting God and being around Him. Before Jesus sent out the apostles to the world in Matthew 28, He first invited them to come unto him and rest, in Matthew 11. Part of the problem in our world today is that many people are ‘going’ but very few are ‘coming’ unto the Lord and resting. I challenge you child of God, to make your times of quiet meditation and fellowship in God’s presence an on-going practice in your life. Take the time, not only at the beginning of the year, but right through it, to go to the Lord quietly and rest in His presence periodically. Then you will have the refreshing and strength you need to live a victorious life.