“And the Lord visited Sarah as He had said, and the Lord did unto Sarah as He had spoken.” Genesis 21:1
Read: Isaiah 55:1-13
God usually moves in times and seasons. He chooses to do certain things in certain seasons according to His sovereign will and to fulfill His sovereign purpose. And God desires to visit you and me in this season. You may be thinking, Why would God want to do that? May be you don’t feel like you are worthy or maybe you feel like Sarah felt when God sent her that same Word. She felt like it was no use. It wouldn’t make any difference to her situation but she was wrong! God visits His people because He is mindful of us (Psalms 65:9-13). He can’t help thinking about us. We are so precious and so special in His heart. God’s love is stronger than any natural father’s love. So it is not dependent on anything we have done or not done. It is unconditional. And that must become a revelation to you and me. God’s visitation is for your good. Job said His visitation gives us life and favor. When He visits you, He will do a new thing in your life. No matter how old your difficult situation is, God’s visitation can give you a new beginning. God’s visitation can break every dry spell around our lives, and bring a refreshing from Heaven. So ask Him to visit you today. Tell Him you are looking for Him; believing for His favor; expecting His glory on your life. And He will come like He did for Sarah.