Imparting life to the nations, one person at a time

April 21: Road Map to Destiny

“This Book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, then thou shalt make thy way prosperous” Joshua 1:8

Read:Isaiah 1:19; Exodus 19:4-6; Deuteronomy 5:22-33; Deuteronomy 8: 1-3

If you stand in a dark room and need to find your way out, the most important thing you need at that moment is light. The Bible says God’s Word is a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path. The Word of God is God-breathed and Spirit inspired. That means every Word from God carries God and His power. So on our journey of life, the most important thing we need is God’s Word. Moses told the children of Israel back in Deuteronomy that they couldn’t possibly live successfully by pursuing the material things of life. He said the only guarantee for success is to live by every Word that proceeds from God’s mouth. Do you know there is a “Rhema” (or a direct, empowered Word) in God’s mouth for every situation in our lives? We can save ourselves a lot of unnecessary pain and struggle by always finding and adhering to that “rhema” Word. Every person of destiny in the Scriptures were people who put a great premium on whatever God said and I encourage you to be that way too. Praise God for the good counsel from family and friends who really love us and want the best for us. But remember everyone is limited regardless of how much they care for us. But God and has no limitations. It stands to reason then that when we’re seeking direction, he should be our first call. Every manufacturer makes manuals to help owners understand and maximize the use of their products. And God is no different. His manual for life is called the “Bible”. That book is not a story book but a mystery book whose secrets become revealed to us through the activity of the Holy Spirit. And when we become intimate with the Bible, clear directions for our lives and future come to us easily. So determine to have God’s Word imprinted in your spirit today by reading it diligently, meditating on it, and obeying it. When you begin to do that habitually, you gain easy access to God’s Wisdom. Then success comes your way cheaply. Make a fresh commitment to the Word today.