Imparting life to the nations, one person at a time

Sermons by Rev Kayode Tadese (Page 60)

This Place is Too Small

VISION SUNDAY 2015 (Download Outline) Write it Down! (Habakkuk 2:1-4) How specifically will you IMPACT and INCREASE the Kingdom of God this Year? RELATIONALLY….. God (Devotion) Brothers and Sisters (Fellowship) Unbelieving World (Witness) STRUCTURALLY… Positionally, Functionally etc… In Service.. In Building… FINANCIALLY… Sowing Seeds of Money … Sowing Seeds of Material Resources.. Capital Projects etc.. How will you MOVE FORWARD in your…

Planting The Heavens 4

Planting the Heavens is a series of teachings by Rev. Kayode tadese on how we can make Heaven a reality here on earth. We can actually experience Eden all over again. In Today’s message, the fourth thing we need to do to “Plant the Heavens” is: Sustain The Zeal of Zion