This is Part 1 from the Series “The Covenant of the Redeemed.” In this series, Rev. Kayode Tadese teaching focuses on the realities/truths of the covenant we have with God through Christ and the blessings and benefits available to us as a result.
“Jesus Christ didn’t take the curse, He became the curse.” In this special Resurrection Sunday message, Rev Kayode Tadese helps us understand the Sacrifice Jesus Paid and His death on the cross, what it means to be redeemed and the practical implication of redemption.
VISION SUNDAY 2015 (Download Outline) Write it Down! (Habakkuk 2:1-4) How specifically will you IMPACT and INCREASE the Kingdom of God this Year? RELATIONALLY….. God (Devotion) Brothers and Sisters (Fellowship) Unbelieving World (Witness) STRUCTURALLY… Positionally, Functionally etc… In Service.. In Building… FINANCIALLY… Sowing Seeds of Money … Sowing Seeds of Material Resources.. Capital Projects etc.. How will you MOVE FORWARD in your…