Imparting life to the nations, one person at a time

September 11: A Snapshot of Restoration

“Look unto Abraham your father, and unto Sarah that bare you: for I called him alone, and blessed him, and increased him.” Isaiah 51:2


ReadGenesis 15:1-7; Romans 4:16-24

God actually commands us in our text today to take a look at the life of Abraham. That great father of faith represents our snapshot of restoration as it is intended for every believer. God called him and his wife Sarah when they were alone and it seemed they would never have children of their own. Abraham was too old to supply living seed, and Sarah’s womb was ‘fried’ It was an impossible situation, although bareness was not a part of God’s plan for man from the beginning. Are you in a situation today which was not a part of God’s plan for his children at the beginning? Then you ought to rebel against that situation and release your faith for a miracle of restoration. Abraham’s body was regenerated when he was almost a hundred years old, and his wife Sarah conceived seed and bore a child in her very old age. God blessed them and increased them. And He will to do the same for you today. I see you blessed and increased in Jesus Name.