… for without faith it is impossible to please Him: for he that comes to God must believe….
– Hebrews 11:6
Read: Romans 4:3-24; II Corinthians 5:5-8
The Bible says that when we walk by faith and not by sight, we are confident. Accessing any part of God’s covenant requires that we learn to walk by faith. It is impossible to receive from God without faith. Unfortunately, many people want to see physical evidences of God’s promise before they believe. That is like Thomas who insisted he would not believe the resurrection until he touched Jesus’ body and felt the wounds. You will never do anything great in life if you don’t learn to walk by faith. You may have dreams and hopes but few of them will be accomplished without faith. Someone once described faith as stepping out on ‘nothing’ and finding something there. Actually, the ‘nothing’ you step out on, is the promise of God. It cannot be seen physically but it is just as real as anything you can see. The Bible says, through faith we understand that the material world was made out of things that do not appear. It doesn’t say out of things that are nonexistent. So faith is a substance just as real as the substances we see. But it is only tangible in the spirit realm. Faith is what helps you live and act like God. He calls things that are not as though they are. That was what He did after He made a covenant with Abraham. First, he changed his name and started to call him, “Father of many nations” even though he still did not have his promised child. And Abraham was wise enough to step into God’s world and believe in the covenant. He started to act as though he would father many nations. He took his wife Sarah by the hands, and started to date her all over. He called her ‘pet’ names such as ‘princess,’ ‘queen,’ ‘beautiful mother,’ etc. And eventually, the covenant produced. What are you in need of today? Start living by faith. Access God’s promises; start believing God can and will do it; start confessing the promise; start acting as though it were already so. Your faith will deliver the covenant goods, in Jesus Name. Amen.