Imparting life to the nations, one person at a time

Day 3: Ye are ‘gods’

Acts 17:23-31; Isaiah 8:18; 1 John 5:14; Psalms 82:1-6

‘I, the Most High God, say that all of you are gods and also my own children.’Psa 82:6 CEV

In the beginning, God made Adam and Eve to be like Him. The Bible states that ‘God created man in His own image, in the image of God created He him; male and female created He them’ (Gen 1:27-28.) Science teaches us that resemblance to another individual is only possible if both people share a similar DNA.  This is why a dog ‘begets’ a dog, a cat ‘begets’ a cat, and a mouse ‘begets’ a mouse. It is, therefore, not presumptuous to say that the God of the universe only begets gods. We are His offspring (Acts 17:28) and share in His nature and likeness (2 Peter 1:4.) This is why we are called sons of God (Jn 1:12). When Adam sinned, we lost this glorious connection to the most-high God and became subject to the corruption of the ‘god of this world’ Satan. However, when we became born again and committed our lives to Christ as our Lord and Saviour at the new birth, God restored this connection and restored our lost DNA back to what it was originally, similar to His. You and I are gods on this earth, hallelujah! We are no longer under the bondage of Satan. Christ has set us free and empowered us by the Holy Spirit to do the same works that He did while on earth. Let that mind be in you. See yourself as God sees you. Walk differently, talk differently and act differently. Be everything that you already are in Christ. You are a god on the earth! 

Prayer and Confessions:

I am the offspring of God and I was created in His image and likeness. I am adopted into the family of God. I am like my heavenly Father, and I am a god on the earth, hallelujah!


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