Imparting life to the nations, one person at a time

Posts by aliconline (Page 3)

Day 20: The Word of Authority and Dominion

Psalms 110:1, 2; Luke 4:32, 36 (Amp); Exodus 4:17 ‘And you shall take this rod in your hand with which you shall work the signs that prove I sent you’ – Exo 4:17 (Amp) There are four powerful things about God’s Word that you and I need to always remember: God’s Word is Unstoppable; it is Incorruptible; it is Invincible; and it…

Day 21: Light Be!

Psalms 119:105,130; 2 Peter 2:18, 19; Luke 5:4-6; Joshua 1:8; Hebrews 1: 1-3; 2: 1,4; John 1:1 ‘And God said, Let there be light: And there was light. And God saw…that it was good’  – Gen 1: 3 Light was in the beginning with God just as the Word was. When God spoke words, light arose and pierced through the existing darkness. Every…

Day 22: Speak the Word Only

Luke 7:1-10; Hebrews 11:3; Proverbs 4:20-24; Joshua 1:8 ‘Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they… shall eat the fruit thereof……’ – Prov 18: 20, 21 The centurion in our passage above really impressed Jesus with his faith. He was a man of means and power but none of these could save his highly cherished servant who was…

Day 23: Set My Face Like a Flint

I Chronicles 12:1-8; Isaiah 50:7-9; Psalms 27:1-14 ‘For the Lord God will help me; therefore shall I not be confounded: therefore have I set my face like a flint, and I know that I shall not be ashamed.’ – Isaiah 50:7 The correct posture of faith can be seen in some of our scriptures today. It is about time that circumstances and…

Day 27: I Believe God!

Joshua 6:1-20; Romans 4:18-21; Mark 9:14-27; Acts 28:1-10 ‘Wherefore, sirs, be of good cheer: for, I believe God, that it shall be even as it was told me.’ – Acts 27:25 I want to invite you to join me in a campaign of faith and dominion today. I see some great things concerning your life and future, and I want us to…

Day 28: We Are Well Able

Numbers 13:17-30; Psalms 121:1-8; Philippians 4:13-20 ‘I have strength for all things in Christ Who empowers me…I am ready …and equal to anything through Him who infuses inner strength into me…..’ – Phil 4:13 (Amp) I don’t know what you are trying to achieve in your life right now. You may be in school trying to get a degree; you may be…

Day 29: Fully Persuaded

2 Samuel 23:5 (NLT); Psalms 20:1-8; Jeremiah 17:5-8; Romans 4:16-21; 8:37-39 ‘…nevertheless I am not ashamed…for I know Whom I have believed, and am persuaded that he is able…..’ – 2 Tim 1:12 One of the greatest indicators of faith is total confidence in God and His Word. I am yet to meet a man or woman with great faith who did…