“Being confident of this very thing, that He which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ.” Philippians 1:6
Read:Genesis 2:1-3; Romans 9:28
One of the most re-assuring discoveries we can make in life is knowing that God isn’t just the author of our lives but also the finisher. He’s the author in the sense that we are His handwriting. He formed us, assigned us, and commissioned us according to His divine plan. But that is not all. He’s also the finisher of our lives and our faith. He knows the end of our lives from the beginning. That was why David prayed in the psalms that the Lord will help him know his end and the measure of his days (Psalms 39:4-5). You see, when you realize how much God knows about you and how He’s destined you for a great purpose, and it becomes clear how much you need Him. I know I can not make it without God. That became a revelation to me several years ago. I know many people believe they are alright without Him, but I know He’s all I have. He’s my Alpha and Omega, Beginning and the End, First and Last, Author and Finisher. And I pray that you catch that same revelation, too. There is nothing that God does without a plan and a destination in mind. When he created the heavens and the earth, He knew exactly how He would finish: by creating man. And when He was done, he rested. Do you realize friend, that God has already finished His work concerning your life? He’s resting on your case and calling you to join Him in the rest!! So relax because God is in charge! He’s got it all under control. That relationship, career, financial situation, business, etc. It’s all under His control! There’s already a good end designed for your life, so calm down and stop panicking. Maybe you are concerned because of what you see today. But that is all a smokescreen. I’ve got good news for you: Your future is good! Your life is blessed. You will arrive and you will thrive. God’s hands will be seen upon you and the world will laugh with you! So rejoice in the Lord today, and again I say, rejoice!