Matthew 4:1-11; Ephesians 6:11; James 4:7; 1 Peter 5:8-9
‘But he (Jesus) answered and said, It is written, …..’ – Matt 4:4 KJV
When you say, ‘It is written’, what you are saying is ‘in the unchanging engraved laws of the universe, it is written’. Everyone (even God Almighty) is subject to these laws that govern the universe. They are the final words on any situation. These laws are found in the Holy Bible. The Bible is the bound collection of the unchanging, revealed laws of the universe. Satan has to obey them and flee. This is why Jesus repeatedly said, ‘It is written’. However, it is the properly discerned and quoted word of God that puts the enemy to flight. Remember, even Satan has a copy of the laws. The Bible says the Word of God is the ‘Sword of the Spirit’, and it is the weapon you’ve been given to fight and defeat the enemy. So, you cannot be casual with it. You can’t afford to spend more time watching TV or ‘gisting’ on the phone or getting entertainment than you spend in God’s Word. God says if you seek Him, then you will find Him when you seek Him with all your heart. You are not seeking Him with all your heart when you don’t commit to His Word or prayer or His House or telling others about Him. Make up your mind: lukewarmness is not for you. You will be ‘hot’ for God. You will be on fire with the Holy Spirit!
The Holy Spirit is the Author of the Bible. If you invite Him, He will put His light on the specific scriptures in the Word that will help you frustrate every attack of the enemy. I see your victory showing up for you today!
Prayer and confession
Precious Holy Spirit, today I invite you to reveal your word to me. Give me deep insight into your word and help me gain superior understanding of your will and purpose for my life. Thank you, Father. In Jesus’ mighty name. Amen!