“The lines are fallen unto me in pleasant places; yea I have a goodly heritage.” – Psalms 16:5
Read: I John 3:1-8
Did you know that the Bible says one of the reasons Jesus came to the earth was to destroy the works of Satan? That’s why the lines are fallen unto us in pleasant places. The stranglehold of Satan can not bind us any longer. I hear a lot of Christians blaming the devil, occult powers, and unfavorable circumstances for their misfortunes in life. Please understand that your biggest problem is not the devil. It may be ignorance. Your ignorance of your covenant position and covenant rights in Christ is the major weakness you have. The Bible states in II Peter 1:3-4, that you and I have escaped the corruption in the world through knowledge and application of the promises. We can not be stopped. We have Divine wisdom. We have Divine connections. Angels are walking the earth doing overtime hours for us. I know the lines are fallen for us in pleasant places. We are not ordinary. We are covenant heirs. We are ‘privileged covenant children of the Almighty God!’ The lines are fallen for us in pleasant places. Lay hold of God’s promises for your life today. You have a great Godly heritage.