Imparting life to the nations, one person at a time

May 27: Use As Prescribed

“Thy words were found, and I did eat them; and thy word was unto me the joy and rejoicing of mine heart: for I am called by thy name, O LORD God of hosts.” Jeremiah 15:16

Read: Luke 12:42; Psalms 119:6, 97,117,148; Luke 8:21; Luke 11:28

As wonderful as technology has become, no pill can make us well unless we take it as prescribed. The word of God can do us good only when we ‘take it as prescribed.’ The first instruction is to Read it daily. Hear it in as many ways as possible; in church, on tapes, on radio, on TV. Study it; i.e. sit down by yourself and verify all that you have heard and let the Holy Spirit give to you your ‘own particular word.’ Meditate on it; i.e. think about it everywhere you go and the Holy Spirit will help you apply it to your life. Then talk about it. We need friends that get happy when we talk about the word. Final instruction is: ‘Obey it.’ Whatever that ‘capsule’ says to do, make sure you do. The result is complete and total healing and deliverance from whatever your ‘ailment’ is; and a lifting in life to dimensions beyond your highest imaginations!

One Comment

  1. My greatest desire as a christian is to meditate on the word of god daily and to worship him in true and in spirit.With determination and faith I will obey.



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