“….show me thy faith without thy works and I will show thee my faith by my works.”
– James 2:18
Read: Luke 8:22-25; James 2:18-26
We have learned in previous studies that faith is a weapon of war. It is a shield and a sword. It is the converter that makes our hands an extension of the Hands of God. Don’t relate with faith as a passive concept or a religious notion. Faith must be active, living, deliberate and aggressive pursuit. The writer of Hebrews describes it as the “substance” of things, the evidence or title deed to a possession. It is like the key you need to gain access into your car and drive it. The car is yours but you can’t access it or enjoy it without the key. That was the simple reason why, after Jesus rebuked the storm that was threatening the disciples, he asked them: Where is your faith? The only reasonable question to ask you if you are standing around your car banging your head on the windows and struggling with the locked doors would be: Where is your key? Do you know that faith is the answer to every locked door in your life? Crying or bawling or finger-pointing won’t open doors. But faith will! My dear friend, faith is such a vital key to success and victory in life. So let me ask you like Jesus asked the disciples: Where is your faith? Show me your faith and I’ll show you great possibilities to a glorious destiny.