Isaiah 11:1-3; Numbers 11:14-17;
John 16:7-15; Psalms 23:1-6; Psalms 92:10-15; Ephesians 1:17-20.
“If you will turn and give heed to my reproof, behold, I Wisdom will pour out my spirit upon you, I will make my words known to you.” – Proverbs 1:23, AMP
The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of wisdom, and we grow in wisdom when there are repeated impartations of the Holy Spirit in our lives. ‘Good morning Holy Spirit’ must not just be a beginning of the day routine for us, but we must constantly interact with Him and grow in our relationship and fellowship with Him. No matter how hard you work and how many connections you have, if you don’t have a well-developed relationship with the Holy Spirit, the seed of wisdom in you will not grow and you will be disappointed repeatedly when you expect God’s wisdom to produce fruits in your life. Remember Jesus said (John 16:15 Amplified, paraphrased) “Everything that the Father has for you is mine to give to you…the Holy Spirit will take the things that are mine, and reveal, declare, disclose, and transmit them to you directly.” And that includes the wisdom of God. That means every time you and I need the wisdom of God, the Holy Spirit has it already and He wants to transmit it to us. But if our relationship with Him is shallow or stagnant, we won’t receive that wisdom from Him at the moment. Any life that is lacking the fresh oil of the Holy Spirit will also be devoid of the wisdom of God. Constantly remind yourself that the Holy Spirit is a Person, not a ‘thing.’ Acknowledge His presence every day and make a conscious effort to invite Him to actively work and participate in all your undertakings. Don’t make decisions or take any steps without first consulting with Him and asking for His guidance. Fellowship and yield to Him every opportunity you get and remember to make room for the supernatural in your life. Let’s invite the Holy Spirit again today. “Welcome precious Holy Spirit, my senior Partner. I yield my heart and my life to you completely today and always. Amen!”
Prayer: Welcome precious Holy Spirit, my senior Partner. I yield my heart and my life to you completely today. Thank you, Father, for the gift of the Holy Spirit. In Jesus’ mighty Name. Amen!