“But none of these things move me, so that I might finish my course with joy, and the ministry which I have received of the Lord Jesus.“ Acts 20:24
Read:II Timothy 4:6-8; II Timothy 2: 3-7; Hebrews 12:1-2
Now that we understand that God has a unique plan for our lives, and there’s a path ordained for us to arrive at our destination, we must pay attention to not just arriving but making sure that when we do arrive, there’s a prize waiting for us. When the great Apostle Paul got to the end of his journey, he assured Timothy that there was a crown of righteousness laid up for him by the Lord (II Timothy 4:6-8). How come he was so confident about this when he hadn’t been given anything yet? He tells us in the same verse. He said, “I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, and I have kept the faith.” As you can see there were 3 major accomplishments of this apostle that qualified him for the ultimate reward of God. And you and I can be qualified in the same way regardless of what our vocation is in life. Don’t make the mistake of assuming that only apostles or pastors or preachers like Paul qualify for this kind of eternal reward. As a matter of fact, we all can qualify if we have the same understanding, approach and dedication that this man had to his “calling.” First, he fought a good fight by living his life by faith; Secondly, he finished his God-given course or assignment (not another man’s, but his); and thirdly, he kept the faith or ran by the rules. I want to challenge you to begin to live your life observing these 3 major things: Fight the good fight of faith; Find your assignment and finish it; and Keep the faith, or live by the Word. You will win the prize, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.