What is the ALIC Internet Church? Click here to contact us or Call us now at (440) 605-9552
The vision for the ALIC Internet Church was spawned off our main God-given mandate which is to be a Word-based, international ministry, aimed at imparting the abundant life of Christ into every area of people’s lives, while discipling them, through the accurate teaching and proclamation of God’s word.
We aim to use the advances in technology to reach people on every continent using the internet. Therefore, the ALIC Internet church is a gathering of people from all walks of life and geographical locations who have been drawn by God to experience and participate in the ministry of Rev. Kayode & Tinu Tadese by means of live webcasting. More importantly, the ALIC Internet Church is an extension of the Abundant Life International Church, which is the local church that Rev. Tadese pastors.
With the advancement of technology, it’s now easier to minister the Word of God to a vast number of people that are hungry for more of God. It’s very important to constantly hear and meditate the Word of God to keep your mind and spirit going in the direction that is pleasing to God.
The only thing with technology is that, if it’s not handled properly, personal contact can be lost. One of the most important things about church is fellowship with people of like minds and spirits. No matter what people say, technology can’t replace personal contact. It’s not good for anyone to be on an island by themselves. Sometimes, you may be forced to be on an island by yourself because of what you believe, but there is a solution for that dilemma.
Before explaining how the Internet Church, let’s state the purpose of the ALIC Internet Church.
What is the purpose of the ALIC Internet Church?
The purpose of the ALIC Internet Church is to provide a place for people to worship God and fellowship with people of like mind and faith.
So who are these people?
For those with regular church service scheduling challenges
Sometimes, it may be difficult to find a place of worship. Sometimes your schedule makes it impossible for you to attend regularly scheduled services. It may be that you live in a location where people of like mind and like faith are miles and miles away. The way the ALIC Internet Church is structured, you can access the full Church services 24-7. What more – you will have a shepherd committed to giving account to God for your soul. You will be part of a community of believers who pray for one another.
For those with a yearning to “Go” and make disciples
For some God has been calling you to go and reach your world in your community with the word of God and you wish you could but you do not have the tools with which to do this. Well, the ALIC Internet church will help you reach your community with an on-time word from God. You will have access to messages, worship and bible study notes. You can send your prayer points to an active prayer warriors group who will not stop praying until you get a breakthrough from on high.
For those with the passion of community outreaching
At ALIC, we believe that the word of God must leave the four walls of the church and start to make an impact in the community. We know we are the light of the world. The ALIC Internet Church is simply structured in such a way that every mini-church has a community project that the Lord has placed in their hearts. This project will primarily benefit the local community in which the church is situated and will bring glory to God. So if this is a passion in your heart then maybe God is calling you to start or be a part of the ALIC Internet Church.
For those with a yearning to be part of Jesus’ great last commission
Many have a yearning to be part of something bigger than themselves. This is the way we were created by God. To be a part of the move of God in this last days is an awe-inspiring venture. The Spirit of God is moving and will not stop until the glory of God covers the earth as the waters cover the sea. Everyone needs to be a part of sharing the gospel, and snatching souls from the path to hell and getting them saved. For those who are willing to use a very available means and technology to “GO” then the ALIC Internet Church is a place you belong.
How to start an ALIC Internet Church
A Minimum of two people is required to start an ALIC Internet Church.
In Matthew 18:19-20 (GNB) Jesus told His disciples, “And I tell you more: whenever two of you on earth agree about anything you pray for, it will be done for you by my Father in heaven. 20 For where two or three come together in my name, I am there with them.”
Therefore, to start an ALIC internet church you only need to find someone else who is willing to fellowship with you around God’s word; they may be of like faith or even non-believing.
We anticipate a Maximum of twelve members in each ALIC Internet Church
In Matthew 10:1 … Jesus called unto him his twelve disciples, he gave them power …
We believe that Jesus’ model of 12 shows us the most effective size for effectively teaching and discipling God’s people. Once an ALIC Internet church has reached the size of 12, it will divide and start off another ALIC Internet church.
Call us and let us know that you are interested in being one of our internet churches and we will send you our welcome package
- Practical details on how to start an ALIC Internet Church
- Name and contact details of your ALIC Point Minister
- Engaging the live power of God in a small group
- Information of how to lead someone to Christ
- How to disciple a newly saved convert
- How to multiply and start daughter Internet Churches
- More information about training through our School of Ministry
Click here to contact us or Call us now at (440) 605-9552