Imparting life to the nations, one person at a time

Day 21: Go to the Ant

Proverbs 6:6-19; Joshua 1:1-8; Psalms 1:1-3; Daniel 6:1-3; James 2:14-26.

“Go to the ant, thou sluggard; consider her ways and be wise.” – Proverbs 6:6

Wisdom and sluggard are two words that don’t go together. If we want to succeed, we must trust God completely and work hard as though our success depends on our hard work. Prayer is key. Vision is amazing. Study and devotion are mandatory. But doing all these without hard work will keep you in the basement of life perpetually. You must burn the midnight oil. You must exert yourself with Grace and give your pursuits everything you’ve got. All your spiritual, mental, and physical faculties must be invested in whatever you have been given to ease the way for wisdom to produce success in your life. We must be diligent in business and carry a spirit of excellence. There must be no sloppiness, no tardiness, and no laziness. Meditating day and night, planning and executing day and night, and pursuing your goals day and night will cause the things you lay your hands upon to prosper. God told Joshua after his mentor Moses had passed on “You will make your own way prosperous, and you will have good success, but only if you pursue your assignment day and night.” There is a time for rest and sound sleep, but that is only after we have completed the work assigned to us for each day. No one qualifies to take a break in idleness, or your future will be broken. The Bible says (Ecclesiastes 5:12), “The sleep of a laboring man is sweet…” Be a ‘laboring’ man and woman today. Take a cue from the ant and get to work. Provide your meat in the summer and gather your food in the harvest. The wisdom of God operating in your life, and your unrelenting commitment to hard work will give you unbridled access to good success. In Jesus’ mighty Name!

Prayer: Father, thank you for granting me unbridled access to your good success. I take on the spirit of excellence today and commit to being diligent in business. Thank you that everything I lay my hands upon to do will prosper. And you will receive the glory and the praise continually in my life. In Jesus’ mighty Name. Amen!


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