Exodus 1:7-21; Hebrews 11:8-10.
“And it came to pass, because the midwives feared God, that he made them houses.” – Exodus 1:21
Pharaoh hatched an evil plan to kill all the male children that were born to the Hebrews because he was trying to stop the covenant of increase which was working for God’s people. Unfortunately for him and the Egyptians, the more they afflicted God’s people, the more they multiplied! No matter what opposition may be stacked against you, if you hold on to your covenant with God, and walk in wisdom, unlimited increase will be your portion. The Hebrew midwives did just that and decided to obey God’s instructions rather than follow Pharaoh’s evil command. And because they did, God gave them families and households of their own. Your diligent commitment and fidelity to the Word of God is the wisdom that will cause you to build successfully and enjoy the full benefits of the covenant. I love the testimony of these Hebrew women! The midwives told Pharaoh there was something different about them. The covenant made them lively, vigorous, and ‘quickly delivered’. Even in the Labor room, the covenant was working! And that covenant when combined with the wisdom of God, makes you unstoppable! The Bible tells us Abraham looked for a city with a foundation whose Builder and Architect was God, hallelujah! God is building your life, destiny, marriage, family, ministry, career, business and every other inheritance of a good life ordained for you. He is the Master Architect and if you follow His plan, walk in wisdom, and hold on strongly to His covenant like the Hebrew midwives did, He will build you ‘houses.’ Receive that covenant promise today!
Prayer: Father, I receive your covenant promises today. I receive the complete execution of your plans through the outworking of your wisdom in my life. I receive the ‘houses’ and destinies you are fashioning through my life. I give you all the glory and the praise. In Jesus’ mighty Name. Amen!