Luke 2:40-52; Genesis 41:32-41; Acts 7:9, 10.
“And Jesus increased in wisdom (in broad and full understanding) and in stature and years, and in favor with God and man.” – Luke 2:52 AMP
I NEED THE WISDOM OF GOD! Just about every day when I get up in the morning, after taking some time to thank God for His gift of life and for a restful night, etc., the very first thought in my mind is ‘I need the wisdom of God today!’ There are two distinct approaches to getting the wisdom of God: The first is what most human beings practice: they seek wisdom periodically in certain situations of life when they think they need it. And that is fine, but it really isn’t God’s best for us because that means we usually wait until we are deficient before seeking God’s wisdom. On the other hand, we can engage in a better approach, which is just diligently committing to walking and growing in the spirit of wisdom every day of our lives. We don’t wait for problems or wait for difficult situations to arise when we don’t know what to do before we ask for wisdom. We don’t wait until we are deficient before we ask for it. No, seeking the wisdom of God should become a constant part of our daily prayer. That is how we start every new day. And it’s not just a prayer. Praying for wisdom is great, but we need to also be diligently seeking and gathering that wisdom. Like Jesus, we are constantly increasing in the spirit of wisdom every day. Like Joseph, we are constantly immersing ourselves in the spirit of wisdom every day. You are topping up more from the word of God and from the Holy Spirit. And that wisdom keeps flowing like a river. Immerse yourself in the Word of God and in the Holy Spirit today and gather the wisdom you need for your assignment. You will not be found wanting, in Jesus’ mighty name!
Prayer: I acknowledge the place of God’s wisdom in my life today. I ask for and receive the wisdom I need for every situation I confront and deal with today. Thank you, Father, for granting me the desires of my heart. I give you praise for it. In Jesus’ mighty Name. Amen!