“But if we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship one with another…” – I John 1:7
Read: Proverbs 4:18, 19; I John 1:5-7; I John 2:8-11
Light is a pathway. It is the same pathway that God the Father and Jesus walk in. It is a pathway that is higher and superior to that walked by natural man. When you and I walk in the path of light, then the fruits of the Spirit become easily manifested in our lives. The Bible says we should not walk in the dark or in the futility of our minds like we did when we were yet unsaved. When we walk according to the dictates of the flesh and do what our carnal minds want us to do, then the light of God can not shine through and Satan continues to rule. In your office or classroom, or home, you must consciously exalt the Light and expose darkness. The Word of God calls us children of light because we walk in the light and have nothing to hide! We are surrounded by truth and integrity. The path of light leads to profit. It shines brighter and brighter until it reaches its full strength and glory in the perfect day. That’s why we must strive to walk in that pathway. We must love the Father and walk in righteousness like He does. We must love Jesus and the brethren. We must part ways with every defilement of the mind and flesh, and expose every deception of Satan and the world. Let us commit to that path today. It is the highway to distinction.