Be Fruitful and Multiply
“So God created man in his own image ? .and God said, ?Be Fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it ?” – Genesis 1:27-28
Read:? Genesis 1:11; Genesis 9:7; Psalms 1:3; Psalms 107:38
Child of God, determine to make fruitfulness one of your life goals and ambitions. Ambitions? Are Christians allowed to have ambitions? Yes. As long as they are in line with scripture and God?s revealed will for your life. Remember that it was God (not the devil) who said to Joshua in Joshua 1:8 that if he would let this book of the law (God?s Word) remain in his mouth and not let it depart; If he would meditate on it day and night and live according to everything written therein, he would succeed and make his way prosperous. That means Joshua would have been making a terrible mistake if he had accepted failure, defeat, or poverty as God?s will for his life. Don?t let the enemy slap that image of fruitlessness on your life. God?s mandate for every living creature is ?be fruitful and multiply?. Every seed (plant or animal) has the potential to reproduce itself a million times more.
Seed ?Plant ?Fruit ?Seed ?Plant ?
The possibilities are endless. The fruits outlast the original seed. Therefore according to scripture, anything that is unproductive is an aberration. Even your cattle are not allowed to be barren. If indeed you are the righteous, then whatsoever you do, should prosper. There is the seed of God in you and you should be fruitful. Actually, your fruit should outlast you. By His anointing, God will turn your desert into a fruitful garden in Jesus Name. Amen.