Imparting life to the nations, one person at a time

December 25: The Key that Unlocks the Covenant

“If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land.”   – Isaiah 1:19

Read: Deuteronomy 28:1-14

The Word of God is loaded with benefits and they are available to His children everyday. It’s no surprise that the Psalmist said, “Blessed be God that daily loadeth us with benefits.” That means if we know how to access them, God has something like a truckload of benefits He wants to deliver to us and our families everyday. Yet, we also find in Scripture that every promise is accompanied by conditions, one of the most prominent of which is, ‘Obedience.’ If you want to enjoy all that God has prepared for you in the covenant, then you must make obedience a discipline that you observe daily in your life. Don’t ever take the instructions in God’s Words for granted. Obedience is the key to operating the ‘Covenant Plan’ and to unleashing the blessings of Heaven over your life. Has the Lord given you any definite instructions lately? I encourage you to just do it! The breakthrough you are crying for is locked up behind God’s instructions. Take hold of the benefits of the covenant today. Find out what God is saying or has said and do it with joy.